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Australian Iron Ore

Bannister Downs wins national award

It is with great excitement that we share the news of Bannister Downs successfully winning the national competition and title of Champion Cream at the 2017 Australian Grand Dairy Awards for our Premium Double Cream.

The Grand Dairy Awards, hosted and co-ordinated by Dairy Australia, is a national competition with entries by invitation only. The field of produce represents the best dairy products made in Australia and are all very highly regarded. From a total of 470 products entered across the 20 categories (including cheeses, yoghurts, milk and cream), Bannister Downs Dairy’s Double Cream was awarded Champion Cream ahead of 31 other products in the highly competitive national cream category.

Judging was a very thorough process involving 2 panels of 12 judges and including a range of technical dairy experts, retailers, chefs and food experts and therefore considering all aspects of each product.

“Our team are very proud of this accolade for our Premium Double Cream and it is great to see everyone enjoy one of our very favourite products” said Sue Daubney, Managing Director of Bannister Downs Dairy, from Albert Park in Melbourne where the awards were announced this evening. Bannister Downs Dairy’s Double Cream was made available for tasting at the Grand Dairy Awards gala event showcasing Australia’s best dairy produce.

“We are very excited with our West Australian owned and produced cream, and it winning this very prestigious national award. It was lovely to attend AGDA with Sue in a beautiful grassed surrounding, so relevant to Australia’s clean air and greenfield dairy environment” said Mrs Gina Rinehart, partner in Bannister Downs Dairy.

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