Pioneer of the
Australian Iron Ore

Parkerville Children and Youth Care 2024 Annual Charity Luncheon – Hancock Prospecting Presenting Partner

Hancock Prospecting, along with its Executive Chairman, Gina Rinehart, were delighted to return for the eighth year as the Presenting Partner of Parkerville Children and Youth Care’s annual charity lunch for 2024, which seeks to pave the way for a brighter future for children and their families who have been affected by abuse.

This continues Mrs. Rinehart’s earlier  private support of Parkerville Children and Youth Care.

Parkerville Children and Youth Care is a Not-For-Profit organisation located throughout West Australia, with a focus to protect, care, advocate and promote recovery for children and young people who have experienced trauma from abuse, to support families and to work with the community to prevent child abuse. The luncheon was yet again, another wonderful event, raising much needed funds for a very important need.

Mrs. Rinehart and on behalf of both Hancock Prospecting, thank all those attending and contributing to this annual occasion to help make a difference to children who have suffered more than any child should.

We wish Parkerville every success in raising more funds, and for their ongoing endeavours.

For more information on Parkerville, please visit: