
AUSBIZ | The Call | Arafura rare earths (ARU)

Hancock Prospecting as a major shareholder offtake with Siemens. Everything you want to see for where the business is today is there. It’s just now about executing through to that production. And like I said, it’s always the toughest period for a miner. But you know, it looks like a good management team to be able to execute on it.

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Lest we forget

Today we remember and honour the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country. Their bravery and dedication have helped shape the Australia we know today.

On this ANZAC Day, let us not only remember the sacrifices of those who have served, but let us also commit to supporting our ex-military personnel and their families as they continue to make a positive impact in our communities.

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WA’s bedrock industry worth $246bn

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety data released today revealed a new annual sales record for the state of $246 billion, a $15 billion increase on last year’s record. “There was 855 million tonnes of iron ore sold from QA, the highest quantity on record for a single calendar or financial year,” DMIRS reported. “It was supported by record shipments from Hancock Prospecting and Fortescue Metals Group, as well as a recovery in sales from Rio Tinto’s operations particularly later in the year due to operational improvements and the ramp up of Gudai-Darri.”

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2023 Australian Swimming Championships

The largest annual event on the Swimming Australia calendar, the Australian Championships attracted thousands of athletes and spectators to one of the country’s premier swimming venues. The meet bringing together some of Australia’s most elite Olympic and Paralympic athletes,

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