
Iron ore’s $100 billion surge a remedy for COVID-19
Article by Brad Thompson courtesy of the Australian Financial Review Australia’s annual iron ore export revenue is poised to crack $100 billion – a record for any commodity – as prices of

Iron ore an export saviour
Article by Danielle Le Messurier courtesy of The West Australian Newspaper The Australian economy has taken a multi-billion-dollar hit due to a drop in trade between March and April but annual exports

Article by Ray Chan courtesy of the Australian Mining Review Hope Downs, located in the Pilbara region of WA, comprises three successful major open pit mines (Hope 1 North, Hope 1 South

Mining achieves record tax, royalty payments
Article by Tara Hamid courtesy of Australian Mining Australia’s minerals sector has paid $39.3 billion in company taxes and royalties in the 2018- 19 financial year, a record high for the sector.

Article courtesy of the Bulletin TRADESPEOPLE and university-trained workers alike are required for the mining and mining equipment technology services (METS) sectors that provide work for a total of 1.1 million Australians.

Trade surplus soars on ore
Article by Meilin Chew courtesy of the West Australian WA’s resources sector continues to be the bedrock of the national economy during COVID-19, with new data revealing a surge in

‘Georgina Hope’ arrives in Port Hedland
Eye-catching vessel named in honour of our Executive Chairman completes maiden voyage under new name. History was made at the weekend as the ‘Georgina Hope’ arrived in Port Hedland on her

WA mining ‘saved the national economy’
Article by Sarah Ison courtesy of the West Australian