Pioneer of the
Australian Iron Ore

Mrs Gina Rinehart AO named Honorary Guardian of Veteran community

Gina Rinehart Honorary Guardian Media Release 20231027

Soldier On Ian Davies

What an honour and privilege it is to be here at an event like this, and in a room of such esteemed guests, all in support of a critically important cause – supporting our veterans and their families.

Thank you to Solider On for hosting this fantastic event here in Brisbane tonight.

I want to start by acknowledging some of the many VIPs:
• Daniel Keighran VC
• Lieutenant General Peter Leahy, Soldier On Chairman
• Philip Thompson MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence and Member for Herbert
• Melissa McMahon, QLD MP and member for Macalister
• Lieutenant General, Simon Stuart, Chief of Army
• Kahlil Fegan, Repatriation Commissioner and keynote speaker
• And finally, to a person who needs no introduction – Mrs Gina Rinehart AO.

Mrs Rinehart has made an enormous contribution to Australia through her leadership in the nation-building and essential industries of mining, agriculture and energy, and through her generous philanthropy to so many worthy causes, including this one.

Senex Energy last year joined Hancock Prospecting’s expanding family after the joint acquisition of our business with POSCO INTERNATIONAL Corporation.

We share a great love for Australia and passion for its security and success, one of the reasons for our show of support here tonight.

Senex Energy is a proud Australian natural gas producer, delivering essential energy for life.

We’re playing our part in delivering energy security and independence for Australia – a role similar in intent, but which pales in comparison to the enduring and selfless service of our defence force who have valiantly kept our nation strong, safe and secure since the federation of this great nation.

For society to function and flourish, it needs strong and secure borders and abundant, affordable, and reliable energy.

As a critical energy provider to Australia’s manufacturing industry, we support thousands of workers who make essential goods that help to build this country and allow us to prosper – from bricks to plasterboard to cement.

And, we’re proud to be playing our part in keeping Australia strong and safe by supplying the energy needed to keep the lights on and our factories turning.

We’re also a proud contributor to the thriving communities we serve: across education, health, local employment and local businesses. And of course, this extends to our support to veterans and their families.

We are proud to have here tonight, some Senex team members and veterans – Chris Armstrong, Shaun Lam and David Taylor.

These men have collectively served their country for almost 50 years and we are proud to count them as valued members of the Senex team.

Their skills, mindset and approach to their work and service to the community have been an invaluable asset to our business.

On behalf of Senex, I thank them for their service – and extend our thanks to all the veterans here tonight.

At Senex we know that, for many veterans, their service continues long after they leave the full-time defence force.

Senex proudly offers paid leave to our team members to continue their services through defence force participation, and we encourage every business to do the same.

It’s the least we can do to support those who support our country in the essential defence and security of our nation.

As a business we have taken inspiration from our parent shareholder – Hancock Prospecting – who, under the leadership of Gina Rinehart, are the gold standard in providing veteran employment and support.

Her patriotic commitment to Australia is an inspiration. We will continue to emulate the example she has set in giving back through her businesses and charitable support of groups like Soldier On.

We’re proud and honoured to be able to sponsor tonight’s Soldier On Gala –

– and in doing so helping Soldier On in their important mission to support current and former Australian Defence Force personnel, and their families, in leading meaningful civilian lives.

Thank you to Soldier On for hosting this evening’s fantastic event.

As we play our part in delivering essential energy for life, we look forward to continuing to support Soldier On to play their part in bettering veteran’s lives.

Thank you and enjoy the evening.

Background info on Senex employees:

Chris Armstrong – GIS Lead
• Has served since he was 17 years old (22 years)
• Served in East Timor and was in full time army from 2005 – 2009
• Currently in the Queensland university regiment – a training unit of the Australian Army Reserve. He is seeking his promotion to be commissioned as an Officer in the leadership stream. His focus is on retention and ensuring there is meaningful and rewarding work for members.

Shaun Lam – Senior GIS Analyst
• Has served for 19 years
• Served in East Timor and Afghanistan

Dave Taylor – Construction Lead
• Has served for 8 years
• He did his apprenticeship through the Army followed by a field based workshop