Pioneer of the
Australian Iron Ore

Mount Isa, National Mining & Related Industries Young Professional of the Year Award

Dear Mrs Rinehart,

I would like to thank you very, very much for the Young Professional of the Year award that Professor Plimer presented to me on Tuesday in Mount Isa on National Mining and Related Industries Day on your behalf.

It was a huge shock, but also an amazing and humbling experience. One that I will never forget. I was also very fortunate to share the experience with two of my most credited mentors (Professor Ian Plimer and Professor Alice Clarke), which made the day even more special.

Your generosity is truly extraordinary and you are a great Australian. You have inspired me through your altruism to give more and do more.

I really hope I will have the opportunity to thank-you in person one day.

Warmest regards,

Rhonda O’Sullivan

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