Guests gathered at HPPL headquarters on the evening of June 3rd, for a special event to celebrate the HPPL Group’s support of Australia’s soldiers.
In addition to Executive Chairman Mrs. Gina Rinehart’s significant personal donation, both Hancock Prospecting and Roy Hill contributed generously to the Special Air Service Resources Fund to provide financial assistance to relieve the hardship being experienced by serving and former members of the SAS and their families.
In particular, the HPPL Group was keen to provide support following the whistle-blowers and then Government’s unfortunate decision to make portions of the enquiry’s report public, despite no complaints regarding our defence personnel from the Afghan government, throwing our defence personnel without fair trial to the left media. With the unfortunate consequence that after our government sent our groups to Afghanistan, the loss of life has been far greater since the enquiry, than the Australian Defence lives lost in active service in Afghanistan.
Also unveiled at the event were military pictures, to be displayed permanently in the entrance to the Hancock Prospecting Group headquarters. This is so that as staff go past these pictures each day, they can be reminded of the sacrifices our military have made for us all, to enable us to be a free nation and enable each of us to work and enjoy our lives in this country.
SASRF Chair Mr. Grant Walsh and COO Chris Johns were present to accept the donations and assist with the unveiling of the military photos. Chair Mr. Walsh also gave an address which highlighted what these donations will mean for Australia’s soldiers.
As a proudly Australian company, Hancock Prospecting has always had the greatest respect for our military and all they do to keep each of us and our great country. Executive Chairman Mrs. Rinehart and all at Hancock Prospecting are very proud to support them through this donation.