Pioneer of the
Australian Iron Ore

4BC | Weekend Breakfast | Netball Australia topic

Interview courtesy of Bill McDonald and 4BC.


Kerrie: Bill, I just wonder if these girls have actually done their research and they’re just being a bit pretentious, because Gina Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting actually offer huge contracts to Indigenous companies through her mining, and she supports a huge number of health programmes, education programmes, and offers large employment to Indigenous people within her company and she offers a huge number of scholarships.

Bill: Yeah, I agree. The Hancock Prospecting also has been a sponsor of NAIDOC since 2012 and that celebrates and honours the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations in the community. So I agree with you. I don’t think they’ve done the homework. I think they’re taking the moral high ground and they don’t know what they’re talking about frankly

Kerrie: And Gina Rinehart goes about her business very quietly. She doesn’t speak the limelight, she’s not like Twiggy Forrest, she’s very quiet about it, but she’s got her fingers in a whole lot of indigenous stuff.

Bill: Yeah.

Kerrie: And a lot of it. And I don’t see anybody else coming up to support Netball Australia.

Bill: Exactly.

Kerrie: She came on the very last moment now is are there any other sponsorships out there for them. I don’t think they would get anything

Bill: Exactly right. This is it. This is the last chance saloon given where they’re at. Thanks for calling in, Kerrie. Appreciate you taking the time. If you agree with her and I this is just ridiculous for Netball Australia, the players taking this stance.